HR Trends

CHRO’s Agenda for 2024

Onur Ilkoz
July 24, 2024
5 min read
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People make the difference. Everybody agrees on it, but knowing does not solve the puzzle. CHROs, who oversee building and leading high-performing teams, are chasing for the most effective to do list to spend their budgets effectively. They know taking precise action matters, especially in the era of digital transformation. 

In order to make the long story short and help you save your valuable time, we dived deeper into the major authorities’ recommendations on “top 5 priorities in CHRO’s agenda for 2024”. Off-course we are action oriented, we raised the problem, together with an action recommendation. Hope that makes sense. Lets’ discover the 5 crucial insights to tackle challenges and plan for success.

According to Gartners’ Top 5 HR Trends and Priorities for 2024 list, here are the top priorities for CHROs, indicators, and action recommendations: 

Leader and manager development 

Common Challenges for CHROs:

  • 75% of HR leaders say their managers are overwhelmed by the growth of their job responsibilities.
  • 73% of HR leaders confirmed their organization’s leaders and managers aren’t equipped to lead change.

Action to focus: Managers are cracking, more training won’t help, you should evolve the job itself. 

Organizational culture

Common Challenges for CHROs:

  • 41% of HR leaders say employees’ connection to culture is compromised by hybrid work.
  • 47% of HR leaders don’t know how to drive change to achieve the desired culture.

Action to focus: Diffuse culture through work, connect through emotional proximity, optimize micro- (small-group) experiences

HR Technology

Common Challenges for CHROs:

  • 60% of HR leaders are uncertain about the impact of evolving technology trends, such as generative AI, on HR and talent.
  • 56% of HR leaders confirmed their HR technology solutions and strategy do not match their current and future business needs, such as digital transformation.

Action to focus: Create a future-ready HR technology stack using a framework for assessing technology adoption and answering key questions to guide the adoption strategy and roadmap.

Change management

Common Challenges for CHROs:

  • 77% of HR leaders say their employees are feeling fatigued.
  • 82% of HR leaders share their managers aren’t equipped to lead change.

Action to focus: Plan ahead for change fatigue risks and build fatigue management into your plan to drive successful transformation

Career management and internal mobility

Common Challenges for CHROs: 

  • 89% of HR leaders believe career paths at their organizations are unclear for many employees.
  • 66% of HR leaders agree career paths within their organizations are not compelling for many employees.

Action to focus: Design adaptive career paths to offer career-option experience which leads to better talent outcomes. 

We tried to help you design your priority list and expected challenges in 2024. If you would like to discuss our solutions in detail, please get in touch soon at

Onur Ilkoz
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